Saturday, January 14, 2012

Cinnamon Apple Chips

When I was unable to eat sunflower, chips became off limits unless I forked over the big bucks for a small bag that lasted a day or two. I had to do something else to feed my need for yummy snack worthy treats.

I had bought the bags of apple chips before, which I loved and thought making them without a dehydrator was not possible, but I was WRONG! These healthy rings of goodness can be yours by simply using your very own trusty oven! Yeah! I did a few happy boogie shakes (you know the ones) and set off to get some apples.

My local health food store not only had delish looking apples, but to my delight, they had them on sale for only 2.95 a bag!! SERIOUSLY! this was my lucky day. I grabbed the last two bags and off I went to start slicing and baking.

My first batch I stuck in an waited....burning smell one hour later and I had ruined my whole first pan...ugh! You can picture my disappointment. I was not deterred however, I lowered my temp, lined my pans with parchment paper since the last batch had also stuck badly and shoved them back in the oven, this time checking ever 20 minutes to avoid the last disaster. To my sheer joy, they turned out beautifully crisp and golden!

Cinnamon Apple Chips

  • 2-4 large apples, cored (I used Red Delicious)
  • 2 T. sugar (optional)
  • 1 t. cinnamon
  • canola oil or spray

Preheat oven to 180-200 degrees.

Thinly slice apples crosswise about 1/8-inch (2 mm) thick with an apple slicer corer or sharp knife. Place apple slices in a small bowl and drizzle oil over them. Toss to coat. Arrange apple slices in a single layer on two parchment-lined rimmed baking sheets, and spray with canola oil cooking spray if you prefer that to tossing.

If using sugar, combine in a small bowl with cinnamon. Put mixture into a sieve and sprinkle evenly over apple slices. You can use your fingers if you want.

Bake in the top and bottom third of the oven until apples are dry and crisp, about 2 hours (mine took a little longer than that to get crisp). Check them every 20-30 minutes and flip after 1 hour. Remove from oven and let ‘chips’ cool completely before transferring to a sealed container for up to 3 days. Makes about 2-3 cups of apple chips.

Recipe Adapted Slightly from Ontario Apple Growers, via Vittles and Bits


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